Pengaruh Work Stres, High Performance Work System, Organizational Identification and Organizational Support Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan
Employee performance itself will not be separated from the factors that influence it, and one of these factors is the HR management system in the organization. One system or practice that can be used to see HR performance is to use an organizational development model. This study aims to analyze the effect of work stress, high performance work system, organizatinal identification, Organizational Support on employee performance, Data collection was carried out by distributing questionnaires to 160 employees of government banks in Jakarta and Tangerang. The analysis method used in the research is multiple linear regression using statistical software. The results showed that work stress has no effect on employee performance, high performance work system affects employee performance, organizatinal identification has no effect on employee performance and organizatinal support affects employee performance. Furthermore, together work stress, high performance work system, organizatinal identification, Organizational Support on employee performance has a significant effect.