Pengaruh Brand Equity Terhadap Brand Loyalty Dimediasi oleh Customer Satisfaction pada Produk Avoskin Beauty di Tangerang
This study aims to explore and provide empirical evidence not only regarding the relationship between Brand Equity and Customer Satisfaction, but also the role played by Customer Satisfaction as a mediator for Brand Loyalty. In addition to confirming a significant dimension based on Brand Equity for the Avoskin Beauty skincare product segment in Indonesia, especially in the Tangerang area. To achieve the research objectives, data collection techniques were collected through online questionnaires with 270 participants as respondents who had used and purchased at least 2 times the product under study and are domiciled in Tangerang. In analyzing the data, the researcher used a data analysis technique, namely partial least squares structural equation structural equation modeling. From the research conducted, the results show that for the skincare segment six of the eight proposed hypotheses are significantly related and can be accepted, especially customer satisfaction fully mediates perceived quality and brand trust on brand loyalty. Meanwhile, brand identification and lifestyle suitability cannot affect brand loyalty. These findings contribute that marketing must be carried out more effectively and sensitively to strategic developments in the business sector, especially in increasing product innovation in the skincare sector to create positive customer emotions and customer satisfaction in purchasing products in the future. It is hoped that this research will provide an understanding of business in the skincare sector and for further research, researchers can expand the demographics of research locations in Indonesia.
Keywords : Brand Equity, Customer Satisfaction, Brand Loyalty, Perceived Quality, Perceived Value of Cost, Brand Identification, Brand Trust, Lifestyle Congruence.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi dan memberi bukti empiris bukan hanya mengenai hubungan Brand Equity terhadap Customer Satisfaction, tetapi juga peran yang dilakukan Customer Satisfaction sebagai mediator terhadap Brand Loyalty. Selain itu untuk mengkonfirmasi dimensi yang signifikan berbasis Brand Equity terhadap segmen produk skincare Avoskin Beauty di Indonesia khususnya di wilayah Tangerang. Untuk mencapai tujuan penelitian, teknik pengambilan sumber data dikumpulkan melalui kuisioner online dengan responden berjumlah 270 partisipan yang sudah menggunakan serta melakukan pembelian minimal 2 kali pada produk yang diteliti dan berdomisili di Tangerang. Dalam menganalisis data, peneliti menggunakan teknik analisis data yaitu partial least squares structural equation structural equation modeling. Dari penelitian yang dilakukan, hasil menunjukkan bahwa untuk segmen skincare enam dari delapan hipotesis diajukan berhubungan signifikan dan dapat diterima terlebih kepuasan pelanggan sepenuhnya memediasi kualitas yang dirasakan dan kepercayaan merek terhadap loyalitas merek. Sedangkan identifikasi merek dan kesesuaian gaya hidup tidak dapat mempengaruhi loyalitas merek. Temuan tersebut memberikan kontribusi bahwa pemasaran harus dilakukan dengan lebih efektif dan peka terhadap perkembangan strategi di pangsa bisnis terlebih dalam meningkatkan inovasi produk di sektor skincare untuk menciptakan emosional positif pelanggan dan kepuasan pelanggan dalam pembelian produk dimasa depan. Diharapkan penelitian ini memberi pemahaman terhadap bisnis di sector skincare dan bagi penelitian selanjutnya, peneliti dapat memperluas demografi lokasi penelitian di Indonesia
Kata kunci : Ekuitas merek, Kepuasan pelanggan, Loyalitas merek, Kualitas yang dirasakan, Nilai biaya yang dirasakan, Identifikasi Merek, Kepercayaan Merek, Kesesuaian gaya hidup.