Perjanjian Pranikah dalam Perspektif Hukum Perdata di Indonesia
Prenuptial Agreement, Law, Constitution
Special agreement between a husband and wife before they get married is called a prenuptial agreement. If they decide to separate, this is used to determine how their money and property will be divided. Before they can wed, the agreement's terms must be accepted by both parties. The government must approve certain rules that must be followed in the agreement. Instead of adhering to the general laws that govern marriage, prenuptial agreements give couples the freedom to set their own rules regarding their money and property. Writing this journal is a library research using a descriptive method, namely writing back various previous opinions found in references obtained in the library, in the form of books, journals, the Shrimp Book, related to the title. This writing uses descriptive theory, namely explaining the material of prenuptial agreements from a legal perspective in Indonesia.Downloads
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How to Cite
Amri Pratama, M., Syairazi Zega, M., Muhdiya, I., Butar Butar, H. F., & Maylafaiza, H. (2024). Perjanjian Pranikah dalam Perspektif Hukum Perdata di Indonesia. As-Syirkah: Islamic Economic & Financial Journal, 3(3), 1556 -.