Peran Pembiayaan Tepat Guna dan Pendampingan oleh Fasilitator bagi Usaha Nasabah Prasejahtera Produktif BTPN Syariah Wilayah Pacitan
One of the BTPN Syariah programs involves inviting students to act as accompanying facilitators to empower customers who receive appropriate financing from BTPN Syariah. The Appropriate Financing Program is a program that provides financing to a group of productive underprivileged women in an area who want to open a business or are currently running a business to improve the economic welfare of their families with the Wakalah Wal Murabahah agreement. The Bestee program was realized to improve the entrepreneurial abilities, knowledge, soft skills and hard skills of customers or productive underprivileged mothers so that the financing provided can be as useful as it should be. Apart from facilitators, mentoring must be accompanied by the use of the Bestee Application for independent learning. The research method used is a qualitative approach using descriptive methods. The results of this research prove that appropriate financing plays an important role in customers' businesses and the assistance provided by accompanying facilitators is proven to be able to empower customers to manage their businesses so that they increase further accompanied by the existence of appropriate financing by BTPN Syariah.